Monday, May 19, 2008

PJ Trinity's May prayer list

1. Pray that they love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and that they love others as themselves – Mat.22:37-39
2. Pray for their desire to know God and hungry for His word – Mat.5:6
3. Pray for their obedience to follow all of God’s teaching and commands – Jn.14:23
4. For them to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus, truly know Him and have a real relationship with Him – 2Pet.3:18
5. For God to cultivate in them the ability to show true humility toward all – Titus3:2
6. God to help these youths develop servant’s heart, that they may serve wholeheartedly – Eph.6:7
7. For them to be pure, free of idolatry, occult, sexual immorality – Ps.51:10
8. For them to be faithful, to fight the good fight of faith, taking hold of the eternal life to which they are called. – Prov.3;3; 1Tim.6:12
9. God to bring in people with heart to mentor them and connect with them
10. God to provide a male Boys’ Brigade Captain for the Boys’ Brigade Ministry.
11. God to bring in more Youth workers to help in the Youth Ministry. God to stir the hearts of parents to help.
12. For the 1st Petaling Jaya Boys’ Brigade Company ministry to be effective in La Salle and Bukit Bintang School and for the 1st Petaling Jaya Girls’ Brigade Company to be effective in the Methodist Primary School. Pray that the girls and boys will come to salvation through the ministries.
13. For the Word of God to be boldly taught in the Youth ministry.
14. For parents to release their children into full time ministry.
15. For God’s direction in the Youth development.
16. For parents to live godly lives and be a positive influence in front
of their children and transfer values that they will need to build a
godly life.
17. For children to be obedient, for parents to teach their children obedience so that they may transfer their obedience from their parents to God when they grow up.

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